Every Thursday, the Readings and the Hymns, and any other relevant information for the coming Sunday will be posted here.
This gives everyone the opportunity to start thinking about the coming Sunday.
1. What are these passages about? 2. Is there anything that stands out ? 3. Are there any questions that come to mind?
Prayer: Lord Jesus, even now, I open my heart and mind to you. I know that the Word is powerful and life transforming. Help me to take on board that which is for me. Amen


On Sunday we will explore the readings. Dig deeper. It may be that we dig deeper in terms of who wrote the passage, why it was written and to whom was it written. It may be that we dig deeper through stories and illustrations, even drama that will help the text come to life. It may be that the passage points us to an obvious theme that we need for today. It may be a mixture of all of the above. The point of digging deeper is to not look at the Word superficially but with curiosity, with imagination, with wisdom and understanding,  with an open mind and heart. The quick DIP, then the deeper DIG, prepares us for the next step, to DIGEST God’s Word.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for your Word. Allow the Word to settle in my heart and mind that I may grow in my understanding. Amen



John writes in Revelation, “If you have ears, then, listen to what the Spirit says to the Churches!” After Sunday, take time to reflect—to digest.
We ask: 1. What was the message about? 2. Is there anything new that stands out ? 3. What do I need to take on board and include in my day to day life? In other words, “What is the Spirit saying to me?”
Prayer: Lord Jesus, I welcome and receive your Word for me this day. Amen



Experience COMMUNITY

Everyone is welcome and young children are welcome to stay in the sanctuary during the service or be part of the children’s activities.


There will be something for everyone, a moment of silence, familiar hymns, new songs of worship, multi-media and hopefully some helpful input.


As part of our time together we love our coffee, tea, and fine pieces . Stay for a while longer and join in.